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- Bondage Stories : Neighborhood Party Initation The 8mm Movie Years
I watched Five men FUCK my WIFE for over three hours and didn’t realize it was her
My Wife’s OTHER LIFE - The 8MM Movie Years
It seems that everyone in today’s world had another life before they met their current partner, Pam was no different – just like me, she had a previous life. We are now in out mid-fifties and married 20 + years, many years ago a friend set us up, but with different blind dates.
Pam is a Legal Assistant at the Courthouse and I operate the largest Financial Institution in the area, Pam teaches Sunday School and I am Sam, a Deacon in the same church. Now back to our first meeting.
My blind date was way out of my league & Pam’s was just a regular guy that didn’t push any buttons or make her see any stars. By the time our friend’s party was winding down, we had danced a few times and really hit it off.
Since we came with other people, we left with them, but had exchanged numbers and agreed if there was any interest at all, we would call each other before the night was over. I had barely let my date out when my phone rang, it was Pam wanting to know if I was interested in a nightcap.
“OH, HELL YEAH” was my immediate response, she gave me her address and I went by my apartment to freshen up before going to this special ladies’ house.
When Pam opened the door, I almost Came in my pants – Holy Crap – there she was in a Black Lace see through evening gown (with absolutely nothing under it) the look on my face must have been something else, Pam laughed and invited me in.
“I figured if we hit it off and I let you spend the night, I wanted you to see what was on the menu” she said with a devilish grin.
After a couple of drinks and some past history about our lives, we were very comfortable with each other and decided to give it a go to see where it went. Needless to say, 20+ years later we are still together and enjoying life more every day.
Along life’s journey there have been things come up and we have always been open & honest about our lives before we got together. But things were about to change in a very big way and my Sweet Little Pam’s book of life will be Wide Open for me to see!!
We have lived in the same general area and still see some of the original crowd from the party where we met. I knew long ago that Pam had some history with some of the old group but never actually questioned her about it, but I had a feeling she was something else in her younger days, she is still very Hot and never wants for attention.
A couple of years back the opportunity came up to buy a house in her old neighborhood, I knew Pam really wanted it and the location was great, along with the price and extras (Swimming pool, Hot Tub & enclosed patio) were all pluses to me. Right after we moved in the old bunch had a Housewarming Party for us and everyone seemed excited to have us in the mix.
Fast Forward a year and everyone has accepted us as part of the Neighborhood!! We regularly attended & hosted Cook-outs, Pool Parties and Themed Parties such as Halloween, New Years and others.
Occasionally the guys get together for Poker Night or maybe just to shoot the bull & have a drink or two. After they seemed to feel at ease with me, one of the older men asked if I ever watched any Old Porn (8 MM Movie quality)??
I told them in my day I had observed a few Classics, Debbie Does Dallas, The Green Door, etc. and didn’t have a problem with watching if everyone else was ok with it. The next Poker Night things started changing for me with the Old Group.
There was always plenty of high dollar & premium booze for everybody to enjoy, but this time there was an old movie screen setup and some 8 MM reel to reel movies playing. As the poker played out….. so did the movies. Most were silent, but occasionally someone would bring a real top-quality movie with sound, in their day that was the best it could be.
One night in particular, the movie was one of the best I had seen, but the focus was terrible – the sound let you know the participants were actually having really vocal Hot Sex!!
As the movie played on, I noticed some of the guys had shifted their attention from Poker to watching the Ladies Get FUCKED – a LOT!! I asked why the picture was so bad and someone said it was just the quality back then and you could see what was happening, just couldn’t make out who it was, Hell, I wouldn’t know them anyway, I thought to myself.
When the current movie finished, another started, by now the poker game had taken a back seat to the movies. Tonight’s films were almost all Orgy settings, with the men going from one Pussy to the next and the women were receptive to anything the men wanted to do.
I noticed a few joints being passed around and thought about the era of these films, that was about as good as it got. Most of the participants were young (in early 20’s to mid-30’s) and some very nice bodies on the ladies. After a couple of months of the Poker/Movie Nights – one of the men suggested that we include the wives in the next Movie Night.
There wasn’t any objection, but I spoke up and told them I didn’t know if Pam would be comfortable in that type of setting. After some discussion we all agreed if any of the wives were against it then it would stay strictly Males Only.
The movie night was changed to a Saturday evening, and we all spent some time in the pool and hot tub joking and having a few drinks. I asked Pam if she was ok with it and she said probably everyone there had done some Wild Sex and made at least one Home Movie in their life, so yeah – she was game for anything.
The Bells & Whistles should have gone off then, but I wasn’t paying attention, or I would have gotten a hint of what was to come when she said she was Game for ANYTHING!
The evening shifted to the movie screen with top quality recordings with sound, as the movie played with very clear & in focus visuals. I noticed a couple of the men laughing and giving High-Fives pretty regular.
Not being part of the original residents of the neighborhood, I asked what brought on the celebrations – Bill stood up and proceeded to tell me the Home Movies we were watching was all of them back in the day. Well, as Pam said – pretty much everyone had made home movie or two back in their youth, so it wasn’t a big deal to me.
I started watching a lot closer after that comment to see if I could recognize anyone in the current group, when I thought I found Bill – but with a lot more hair, I asked him if that was him.
“OH, HELL YEAH! That’s me and keep watching – you are going to recognize a lot of us Old Timers!” he replied!
NOW, I was completely engrossed in the film and trying to see if I knew anyone else. Before I could ask again, Joe spoke up “See that Blond with the Big Tits? That’s Betty, my wife – man could she handle a Gang Bang!!”
I looked over at Betty – sure enough, that was her and DAMN, she was HOT!! Joe yelled out “Watch Susie Deep Throat that thing, Damn - she could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch in her day!” Now I saw Susie in a whole different perspective, she was the High School English teacher, WOW!!
Pam came over to where I was sitting and whispered in my ear “I hope I am not in any of these tonight.”
“WHAT!!!” I asked as she kissed me long and passionately. I was getting the feeling that tonight had been planned and setup to get me involved with the Old Group of friends.
“I told you that everyone had probably made a Home Movie or two – I know I did back when I lived in this neighborhood before, I just didn’t know who had them or where they went after I left” she knew something was up with the men in the group.
By now I had recognized at least half of the participants – but Pam was not in the film. I was wondering why the men felt so at ease showing me their wives having Sex with other men and vice versa.
Joe stood up and announced, “I think it’s time for the Feature Attraction for tonight, what do you think guys?”
There were a few Whoops & Hollers of HELL YEAH, let’s see some more! Bill started another old Home Movie but this one was very blurry and not very in focus, you could see what was happening with pretty good detail and hear the sounds, but the faces were not clear at all.
I could tell the film was old by the hair styles and furniture in the house, but most old home movies are from another era – everything now is digital. I watched as the film played on with some kissing and fondling of the participants, nothing too exciting yet.
Then things started heating up when a very well built (from what I could make out) lady came into the room, it seemed that she was the main course, and everyone turned their attention to her.
I watched as she stood Blindfolded in the middle of the room – two ladies came up to her and started kissing and meticulously dis-robing her and giving everyone a good view as they slowly stripped this Center of Attention – piece of MEAT for the night.
The undergarments were from a different era – full bra & what we called “Granny Panties”, but as the two ladies stripped her and kissed her erect nipples – one placed her hand on the Very Hairy Pubic Mound – “OH GOD” she said as she squirmed back as the woman thrust her fingers deep into the Hairy Pussy.
DAMN, I wish the focus was better - but back then the quality wasn’t much.
I watched as a figure came up behind the “Lady of the Night”, as the figure got closer, I knew it was Bill by the mop of hair and the broad shoulders. He cupped her tits and squeezed them while he rolled her nipples,” OOOHHH GOD”, she moaned, I guess there wasn’t a zoom lens since you could see the camera moving forward with the footsteps of the person filming.
The camera was focused on her nipples and his fingers, pinching, and pulling them hard as he stretched them out and I watched as she squirmed to pull away. Now there were two more males, each one was running his hand between her legs as their fingers disappeared in the large Black Bush now fully exposed to the camera.
I looked at Bill and asked, “Who’s the Lucky Lady?”
As 3 or 4 of the guys whooped at my question, Bill replied, “Keep watching and you might recognize a few more participants!”
Next thing I knew, Bill scooped up the lady and the camera followed them to another room. On the far wall was a large wooden X, there were leather shackles at all 4 corners. Bill stood the lady in front of the X and turned her around with her face to the wall as he placed her hands & feet in the shackles.
Someone in the group made a comment, Damn – I remember that night – Holy Shit, this is going to be GOOD!!
By now there were at least 5 men and 4 ladies standing around the Lady shackled to the X – everyone was naked, and the men were almost all stroking their Cocks as a different one went up and placed his hands between her outstretched legs.
There was no doubt that she was the entertainment for the night, as each male groped her Hairy Pussy, she would throw her Ass back to try to get more attention. Then Bill brought out a handheld whip with about a dozen tails on it.
The first time he popped her Ass, “AAAARRRRRGGGGG” she moaned while she hunched forward to escape the stinging blow of the whip. Bill reached between her legs and most of his hand went into her vagina as her hips quivered from the invasion.
“OH GOD, YES, YES, that’s it – OH YES!!” she moaned as his fingers went out of sight.
Apparently, he soothed her fears and removed his hand as he immediately slapped her Ass again with the whip. “SMACK’ the sound was clear, this time she didn’t pull away, but you could easily see her Ass Cheeks were jerking and developing red whelps from the tails of the whip.
The X must have been hinged and could be repositioned, Bill went behind it and did something to allow him to turn it around to face the camera. Now the lady’s front was exposed, and he leaned forward to kiss the lady, as he kissed her, he placed his hand back inside her bush.
When he inserted his fingers deep inside, her head went back with excitement, Bill was slamming his fingers deep inside and she was hunching forward to meet his thrusts. “OH YES, OH GOD, you feel good” she moaned. Quickly he removed his fingers as he caught one of her nipples and pulled it hard. Her face showed something between Pain & Pleasure as he pinched and pulled those rock hard nipples, next he caught her clit between his thumb and forefinger. He rolled it round as she squirmed and moved her hips away from his onslaught of her body.
He moved the X again and it spread her legs WIDE, almost on cue – the other males all gathered around as Bill rubbed his Cock between her legs.
“YES, YES, Please let me have it, I need it NOW!” she whined as he slowly pushed his manhood deep inside her dark bush.
After probably 5 minutes of slow Fucking the Lady, he pulled out and the next took guy his place, now she was squirming and bucking as each man took his turn and Fucked the Tied-up Spreadeagled Lady, I couldn’t tell if she was Fucking them back or trying to get away from the onslaught her Bushy Pussy was taking.
As the last male finished, one of the ladies went up and sucked the nipples until they were completely erect and hard. She then placed a Nipple clamp on each tit and tightened them down.
“OH YEAH, Tighter, YES, OH FUCK!! Please, Please don’t STOP!!” she squealed as they pinched into the nipple.
The next lady proceeded to put a weight on each clamp that pulled the tits down, but the nipples were stretched ….. A LOT!!
The look on the lady’s face was somewhat distorted and she was letting out sounds of Pleasure/Pain, as the next woman spread the bush and put something like a clamp on her clit, immediately she squirmed backwards to get away from the pain inflicted from the clamp.
“NO, NO, Please not that, OH FUCK, Please NO!!” she squealed.
But the other women held her Pussy Lips open to allow access to her Blood Engorged CLIT!!
Now another weight was attached to her Clit as she tried to move away, but the X held her firmly. The moans were quieter as she got used to the weights pulling on her now sensitive Tits & Clit.
Bill once again went up and did something to the X to allow it to bend forward, now the lady’s tits were handing straight down with the weights pulling her nipples down toward the floor.
“OH FUCK, PLEASE, PLEASE take them off” she begged.
Her face was almost perfect crotch level as Bill put his hard Cock between her lips and his hands behind her head.
Slowly he pushed his cock deep into her throat and she instinctly started sucking as Bill Skull Fucked the helpless lady, just like the invasion of her Pussy, he only stayed a few minutes. The next man took his place and it continued until each male had been serviced.
Bill stood her back up and picked up the whip again, he popped her Titties repeatedly, alternating between each Tit and her Pussy. Her body was quivering from the pain as the weights swung freely with each pop of the whip, the group of men were all stroking their Hard Cocks as they watched.
She was trying to get away from the sting each time he made contact with her flesh, her tits were turning red as the whip left its mark and the weights were swinging as she tried to move away. “Please, no more – I am yours, Please FUCK ME and make me your FUCK SLAVE!” Finally, Bill quit and just let her stand there, blindfolded, naked, weights and clamps swinging from the most secret parts of her body and red whelps marking her tits and ass. Her body was quivering - no one spoke, the ladies removed the weights and clamps, now the women were sucking and invading her body as they released her from the X.
DAMMIT, the focus and quality of the old film was terrible, you could clearly make out some features, but it was still so out of focus on the face.
Bill carried her to a round bed in the middle of the floor in the next room, as he lay her down on her back, he buried his face in that thick bush. Her mouth flew open as if to gasp for air as the mouth on her freshly whipped Pussy made her Cum uncontrollably. Bill pushed her legs high and continued to eat her hot pussy while everyone else intently watched her expression turn to ecstatic pleasure.
Bill spoke, “Tell me what you want, you have to BEG me to FUCK YOU!!”
“OH GOD, Please, somebody FUCK ME, I can’t take this anymore – PLEASE FUCK ME!!!” the lady begged.
“That’s it, tell us what you want, you want everyone here to FUCK YOUR PUSSY!! You have to tell us what you want.” Bill said as he raised her legs high in the air and placed his Hard Cock just inside her Pussy Lips!
“YES, YES, PLEASE let me have your Cock, I need it NOW!!, Is that what you want to hear?? PLEASE, FUCK ME NOW!!!” She Begged, “I want everyone to CUM DEEP INSIDE MY PUSSY!!”
As Bill popped her Clit with his Cock she started squirming around, he knew it was time – he drove the entire length deep inside her young fertile womb as she gasped for air! Her Pussy had been invaded, her bush filled with Bill’s Large Thick COCK!
Bill knew the young thing beneath him had never been exposed to this type of treatment – before he was through, she would never be the same again!! This PUSSY was theirs and they knew what to do with a TIGHT YOUNG CUNT!!
The other men were gathering around the bed and groping, pinching and squeezing her still stinging titties. She could feel the Cocks close to her face and as she took one in her mouth, she reached out to find the others that she knew were close.
She was now jacking two off, sucking one and getting her stinging Pussy FUCKED HARD by Bill!! The Cock in her mouth exploded as he held her head tight and forced her to swallow every drop of his thick hot Cum. Before she could even move her head, another was in her throat and Bill was close to filling her Fertile Pussy with his Hot Semen.
Bill tensed up as he shot load after load deep into her Red Swollen Vagina, now she had gotten two loads and she didn’t know how many others there were! Another male with what appeared to be a much larger Cock than Bill, pushed her legs high and two of the others held them as he rubbed his very large Thick Cock up & down the Hairy Bush.
The lady was bucking her hips up to try to get his Cock deep inside her Pussy, she was now their Love Slave and she wanted more and more. The two holding her legs pulled them high over her head as he raised up over her already used and abused body, as the massive head disappeared into the bush, he raised up to drive it home in one solid thrust,
“AAAHHHHRRRGGGG” she screamed as the massive COCK stretched her young vagina to the limit, she never imagined getting Fucked like this and she was loving every minute.
You could see her try to get away from the impalement, but they had her legs so high that the huge cock went to the hilt inside her womb. She lay still, trying to let her body get used to the massive Cock, deep in her TIGHT PUSSY.
Her body started moving along with his as the men released her legs, the one in her mouth pulled her head close as he filled her throat with another load of Hot Cum. She now has Thick Cum running out the sides of her young mouth.
Why was this so clear and the face blurry??
She was swallowing and Fucking back at the same time, DAMN the FOCUS on this projector – I wanted to see who this HOT Woman was!! The monster between her legs was tearing up her Tight Pussy as she bucked and squirmed beneath him. He slowed the pace and as she got still, he rolled her over to put her on top.
Finally, she had some control, she raised up and started a slow grinding hunching on top of the very thick cock. After a few minutes she leaned forward as he pulled her close and started kissing her. She was now on top and in control she thought, he put his arms around her to hold her tight.
Suddenly she felt a hand on her ass cheek, it moved around and playfully popped her cheeks with a spanking like pop. Then she felt his finger at her asshole, it was soaked with the Cum and juices that had ran down from Bill fucking her a few minutes before.
The finger made a few circles and poked at the tight ass, just the tip of his finger slid in as she tried to squirm away, but the man beneath her held her tight!
“Please don’t do that, I have never done it before - I don’t want you to hurt me!” she pleaded.
“SSSHHHHH!!! Don’t resist – Relax and you will like it, I promise.” The man behind her softly whispered!
DAMMIT!! I wish the film was clear - I want to see who this woman is!!!
She knew it was useless to resist, she tried to relax as he fingered her Ass and gradually placed a second finger deep inside her. Now getting more relaxed, it felt better and she started moving her hips a little, just to let him know she was ok with it. Now he was free to move fingers in and out of her increasingly stretched Asshole.
She felt him remove his fingers, she thought that he was through playing with her ass and everyone had gotten to watch him make her enjoy the invasion. Then she felt something pushing at the place he had just removed his fingers from, OH MY GOD, she thought – he is going to put his Cock in my ASS.
Before she could even move, he had his Cock Head inside her tight ass, without warning – he pushed his manhood to his balls. “OH FUCK, OH MY GOD, Please don’t Please” …….She tried to move forward but she couldn’t because she was impaled from below and she was now merciless to object the Cock driving home in her Ass.
Everyone was watching as this young lady was being Fucked like a rising starlet in a XXX Porn Movie…. DAMN, why can’t I see who it is??
Suddenly, she started a slow grinding movement back & forth on the two Cocks deep inside her body, as she moved both men got in rhythm and the pace became fevered as all three were Fucking with wanton abandonment.
Out of nowhere another Cock appeared in front of her lips, she was so consumed in Raw Sex she opened her mouth to accept the new Cock, as she gyrated back & forth the rhythm worked out for the new Cock in her mouth.
The man behind her locked onto her waist and started pounding her ass like there was no tomorrow, in a few short seconds he erupted deep in her bowels with Hot, Thick, Fertile Seed. The very large cock under her must have gotten super excited and in seconds he was spewing his Cum deep inside her Fertile Womb.
They both just held on as their Cocks drained every last drop of Hot Cum deep inside this lady’s body, the added excitement caught her by surprise as the new cock in her mouth exploded his Hot Semen deep down her throat. In a few seconds she received three loads inside her Lust filled body, she was SPENT!!!
The other ladies escorted her Whelped, Swollen, Cum Filled Pussy, Stretched Nipples and well used Cum Dripping Ass out of the room, she still had the Blindfold on. The piece of MEAT for the night never knew who the men were that had just introduced her to the NEIGHBORHOOD PARTY INITATION!!!
I looked at Bill, “What the Fuck is going on with this movie? it’s almost like the picture is pretty clear until there is a chance to see this woman’s face!! This SUCKS!!” I said without thinking there might be a reason for the out of focus scenes.
Bill just looked around the room as he explained about the old cameras and poor-quality film. He added, “How about we all take a break and have a few drinks while I work on this old projector to try to make it focus better!”
Everyone was in agreement, and I should have caught on when some of the guys were looking our way and talking between themselves. We had about an hour break and Pam wanted to go outside for a little while.
“Do you remember when I said everyone has probably made a home movie or two?” she asked.
I replied, “Of course and you are right, I think everyone in our age group has experimented in their youth!”
She asks, “So if you found out that I had made a movie many years ago, would you be upset with me?”
“Hell No” I said, “We weren’t together, and we both had lives before we got married, so NO, I wouldn’t be upset- But why do you ask?”
Pam smiles, “I love you unconditionally and nothing will ever change that!” she said.
“I love you too, but this is scaring me, is everything ok?” I am getting concerned.
“Absolutely, everything is wonderful, and I am so happy you understand about the past!” she says.
Bill comes to the patio and tells everyone he thinks he has the projector fixed; we all follow him back inside. He starts out, “many, many years ago when we all moved into this neighborhood, we were all pretty much in the “Free Love & Hippie Stages” of out lives. When anyone new moved in we always had the “Initiation to the Neighborhood Party”!!!
That was a long time ago and we have all changed to some extent, but the “Old Movies” still remind us of our younger days and FREE SEX!! Most of us are still here and we have a new neighbor present – everyone looks at me and starts clapping.
I should have picked up on the fact that he didn’t mention Pam. She smiles at me and since her hand was under the table, she gave my semi-hard (from the movie) cock a squeeze.
Bill says, “Pam, we are so happy you have moved back into the old neighborhood, and we want to share some of the Great Times we have all had together, do you want to say anything before we start the feature presentation over & in focus….. AND by the way, this one is a Classic!!”
Pam smiles and says, “We all had some really great times back then, maybe after this movie we can pick up where we left off!”
“ROLL THE FILM” Bill shouts.
As it starts playing I immediately recognize that it’s the very same film we just watched, BUT it is in perfect focus and exquisite sound, as my Grandpa used to say, you could hear a Flea Fart!!
The first scene when the lady walked in blindfolded, was still blurry, I couldn’t make out who it was and soon she was shackled to the X facing the wall. After the initial whips and nipple clamps, and each male getting a five minute FUCK, the lady’s face was forward, still a little out of focus but much better.
As Bill went up to release the hinge on the X to lean the woman forward, her face was in perfect focus, “OH FUCK!!” I exclaimed
“PAM!!!, is that you on the X, were you the one everyone was Fucking that night?? You personally knew each of these men and what they were going to do to you??” I asked.
“That’s not exactly how it happened back then.” Pam tried to explain.
As I listen Pam, Susie & Betty explained the complete process, “Back when we were INITATING New Members – we were all young businessmen & women – some were from fairly important families in the community.” Susie started out. “We decided on the Blindfolded and Anonymous participants to protect each other from being called out at any time.” Betty explained.
“Each Lady here went through the same process to be part of the Group!” Pam added, “As the group got comfortable, the only ones that had to be Blindfolded were the New Initiation subjects!”
Pam looked a me as she explained, “Back then everyone had to be INITATED in the Neighborhood Party to be accepted in the group. Each and every lady here has done the same thing that you watched happen to me, I wouldn’t change a single minute of the experience!”
Susie breaks in, “We wanted to bring you on board and after the Poker night films and you seeing all the other ladies in action, we all agreed that you should know the whole story!!”
Bill adds, “You have already watched Sweet Young Pam in at least 3 of the Poker Night movies, those were the ones we kept out of focus just in case you might recognize your wife, Pam was quite the Sex Goddess back in her day!”
I sat there as my mind was running a marathon and we all had just watched the entire film, just out of focus for my benefit. Betty & Susie knew that I had seen them in the Poker Night films and they came over and sat on each side if me on the couch, Hell, I didn’t even know when Pam got up.
Susie smiles and says, “Now you are part of the Neighborhood Party Group and I get the First Fuck from you!”
I was completely caught off guard and by now Betty has my pants unzipped and has the head of my cock in her mouth. Susie is kissing me and unbuttoning my shirt, I look up and Pam and Bill are standing there watching everything.
“Whoa!! Just a minute!” I said, “I need to think about this and what it means to my wife to see you two ladies trying to have Sex with her husband!”
Susie replied, “Pam has been in on this from the start, she has wanted to get back in this neighborhood for years & tonight everything came together for her!”
Pam is watching as Betty now has my whole Cock deep in her throat and I am starting to like it. Pam says, “Honey if it will give you any incentive…… watch this.” She turned to kiss Bill and pulled her dress over her head, MY GOD!! I didn’t realize that she was NAKED under her Dress!!
Bill picked her up just like the lady in the movie and carried her to the couch beside me, Pam was sucking his Cock in seconds, but Bill had other plans. He hollered at the other guys, “Y’all remember the sequence of Fucking Sweet Pam’s Pussy in the film??”
“Absolutely” was the answer, I watched as every man there disrobed and got in line to FUCK my WIFE!! I was finally putting everything together now; the guys didn’t mind me watching their wives in the old movies because every male there had already Fucked Pam at some point!!
As Pam started sucking Bill’s Cock, just like in the original movie – she pulled back and looked around – “OH MY GOD, it’s been almost 30 years since we made that old movie. Sam, I LOVE you with all my Heart, BUT God only knows how much I have missed the Old Group and the weekly Sex Parties from back then!!”
Bill added,” Pam, we have talked many times about your Initiation Night and there has never been another that we enjoyed that much – YOU were the Best Ever!”
It didn’t take long to be accepted into the group and our Sex Life has never been better, Pam looks like a Porn Star in my eyes, and we have gotten into some of the old things she used to do with the other guys.
We have a Private Room with our own X, complete with Clamps & Weights – Pam still gets excited just talking about the Pain/Pleasure she gets from the times she has been Shackled and Whipped!!!
Pam has always been really conservative since we have been together, but that night and me watching her pull her dress over her NAKED Body, things have changed. She hardly ever wears underwear anymore. She says for years she went without them but was afraid of what I might think when we got together.
When we go out of town, she becomes the 60’s Free Spirit again, I love to see her nipples through her sheer tops and when she wears her mini-skirts, I know she doesn’t have any panties under it!! She loves to give the guys a PEEK when we are out in a restaurant in another town, but I get the benefits when we get alone.
Occasionally we go to a Club for a drink and dancing when we are in the larger cities. I have learned to watch Pam give a feel to someone she’s dancing with, and I have watched her spread her legs at the table to let another male feel her Smooth Shaven Pussy while I sit across from them.
Last week while at a nice club in another town, Pam brought a very handsome, well built Black Man to our table. “Sam, this is Big Willie” she says. “He has been looking at the new property at the end of our block. I think he will fit in nicely with our group of friends, I can’t wait until his FIRST PARTY!!!”
Pam has mentioned a few times that everything is perfect except there needs to be a BIG Black Cock to service the White Ladies of the Group. I think she has found the newest member and soon he will be INITATED in the NEIGHBORHOOD PARTY!!!
Until you have seen your wife on the X and her Tits and Clit clamped with weights…. And she is loving every second of it, you don’t know what you have missed. Watching the other men have her 2 or 3 at a time is so DAMN erotic and it just gets better every time.
I can’t wait to see Pam with her FIRST Big BLACK COCK!!!
OH YEAH, I think one reason I didn’t recognize Pam was the really hairy BUSH!! Ever since I have known her, she has been so slick and smooth shaven. I still can’t picture her with all that hair!!