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- Bondage Stories : My Best Friends Girlfriend
My Best Friends Girlfriend
I?ve known Jim since I was in kindergarten and we?ve always spent a lot of time together. We managed to get into the same college, though he went on to medical school and I opted for engineering, but through all the years we?ve been there for each other. When we first started dating we often found the same girls attractive and competed for their attentions, but we had an unspoken rule that our friendship came first. On a couple of occasions we double dated on camping trips and once to a beach resort so we?d seen each other at our best and our worst. The women had come and gone but we?d remained fast friends. Jim was shorter than I was, more broad shouldered, solid and pleasant looking rather than handsome but he had a great sense of purpose and he was always good with money. He was always the serious one whereas I was always a little bit adventurous and crazy. I was the athlete; he was the nerd. Together we made a hell of a person. I was taller and better looking but I had to work harder for grades and money didn?t seem to stick to my fingers the way it did to his.
It didn?t surprise me that he got into medical school nor that he got a scholarship to pay for it either, but when I graduated I was ready to get out of school and make some money, so I was happy to start working for an energy company. I liked the work and the company liked me, so by the time he was interning I was heading up their operations in Saudi. I didn?t see him for the year of my assignment, and when I got home, I was shocked to find out that he was engaged.
I?d disentangled myself from all my relationships when I left for Saudi and let me tell you that was a great feeling. It was only after I left town that I saw that the two girls I?d been dating were slowly pushing me for a commitment and it was only a few months before one of them wrestled me into popping the question.
When I returned to Houston after Saudi I made a resolution that I wouldn?t date any girl more than three times and that furthermore I?d be completely honest about my freedom loving ways from the first date. Needless to say most of my dates didn?t go beyond date two. I?d found one or two women, usually a little older than me, who simply wanted to fuck and that was great. I?d also found out that if you went to a certain topless club a couple of hundred bucks would get you blown in a back room and that was a great resource. I know that sounds bad, but the fact is I just wasn?t ready for a commitment and yet I?d feel the sexual hunger building up and the blow job was a lot easier and more convenient than the dating game.
Jim introduced me to his future wife Del (short for Delilah) at a party. At first glance I didn?t think that much of her, but then I saw her laughing across the room and realized I?d never seen someone who was as relaxed, sexy, sympathetic, sensual and just gorgeous. Jim lit up in her presence and it was touching to see him so affected. Of course he had told her about our closeness and she seemed to welcome me into their lives, but I was a little too attracted to her to feel comfortable spending a lot of time around them. I know that sounds stupid, but it made sense too that Jim would find exactly the sort of woman who pushed my buttons.
They married and things changed. I still enjoyed his company, hell he was more of a presence in my life than my brothers and sisters, but I sensed that this relationship was the real thing and I found myself spending less time with him that I would otherwise.
We lived only two blocks from each other. I?d just closed up my house for the time I was in Saudi and in fact the house was probably one of the most extravagant things in my life, built in one of the older sections of Houston, old oaks, old money, a little too large for a bachelor. We were used to just dropping in on each other for a soft drink or a chat or a walk into the village pub. One weekend Jim had asked me to go camping up to Lake Austin and I?d had visions of sharing a tent with the two of them and had become uncomfortable, so I?d begged off. That following Monday evening I was in the back yard swimming laps when I heard the font door bell ring. The pool was surrounded by a high fence and no neigbboring house over-looked me, so of course I was nude, but the ringing persisted so I got out, wrapped a towel around myself and trudged to the front door.
Del was there, alone. She seemed nervous and I was suddenly conscious of the thin and slightly wet towel that separated me from nudity. I said, ?Jim?s not here,?,realizing almost before the words were out of my mouth that it was a rude thing to say.
?I know. He?s in a long car accident surgery. He won?t be home for another four hours. I just wanted to talk. Can I come in??
?Of course, how rude of me. Come on in, I was swimming. Let me just put on some shorts.?
She put her hands on her hips. ?That?s just exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. I love Jim and I know how close the two of you are and that you?ve been close since you were kids and I promised myself that I wouldn?t get in the way of that. I want you to treat me exactly the way that you?d treat Jim. We can talk by the pool.?
I was a little startled by the forcefulness of her words. Clearly, she?d been holding something back and it was all coming out in a rush now. I led the way back to the pool.
I said, ?I didn?t think I treated you any differently. You?re Jim?s wife and of course your relationship takes precedence over my relationship with him. Obviously I?m going to act differently around you. I?ve known him for thirty-five years and you for two. I hope you?ll be with him forever. He adores you.?
?I know that.? We were sitting in the chairs around the pool and the wave machine was humming quietly, sending a current against the wall. Some blues were softly playing on the patio speakers. ?He?s very intense and I?ve watched you get him to relax. I want to learn that from you. Sometimes he gets so stuffy and proper and correct with me it drives me crazy.? She laughed and looked at her fingers. ?Can I get a drink??
The patio had a complete bar so it wasn?t a big deal to get her the shot of chilled Patron she asked for and the Corona chaser, though I thought it was an odd thing to ask for. I had a bottled water. She said, ?You?re making me feel like a lush, but I?ve been so wound up all day. We didn?t have a very good time camping. I don?t know how to drive a ski boat very well and Jim said I almost chopped him up. Why aren?t you drinking??
? I still have twenty minutes of lap work.? I gestured to the wave generator.
?Well finish it while I enjoy my drink.?
I said, ?It?s not a big deal. I can do it later.?
?That?s what I mean. If it were Jim here you?d just drop your towel and go back to your laps and then we could talk, but just because I?m a girl its all different.?
I shrugged and went back to the edge of the pool, sat down, slipped the towel off and slipped into the water. After I was in the water I remembered I?d left my goggles on the table and had to ask her to bring the to me. I pressed myself close to the edge and she came and stood over me, handing me the goggles. I looked up, to take them and quickly wondered that she was wearing flesh colored panties. It was only when I was half way through that I realized she wasn?t wearing any panties. I immediately became hard as a rock, and I could feel my cock bobbing in the wake as I swam. I concentrated on a couple of ethanol molecule chains I was working on, hoping it would go away and it did, but then I turned around and she was sitting naked on the edge of the pool. ?Give me your goggles and I?ll do ten minutes and then we can talk.?
I tried to hold eye contact with her as I waded across to the pool end, hoping that she wouldn?t look down and see my cock sticking out at a rigid angle. Her breasts were fuller than I?d thought they?d be, her areolas tiny, her nipples a very dark brown against her creamy skin. I reached the edge and handed her the goggles and she parted her legs reaching over to grab them and I saw that she didn?t have any pubic hair and that her lips were pink and brown. When she slipped into the water, there was a little wet patch on the warm limestone just where she?d been sitting. I stayed in the water while she adjusted the goggles, wanting to wait until she?d turned her back before getting out, but to my dismay she submerged directly in front of me. I felt her gaze on my cock before she flipped and swam to the jets. I vaulted out of the pool and went inside to dry, calm down find tight underwear, shorts and a shirt. If I?d had hair underwear, guaranteed to stop erections and impure thoughts I would have put on a dozen pair.
When I came out she was still swimming. She had a great style, smooth and strong. She was doing a racing crawl, her head coming up under the pocket of air created by her armpit every second stroke. Her buttocks, smooth and firm were flashing in the setting sun. She looked a natural athlete.I felt myself start to grow again and started thinking about chained molecules once more. When she finished, she got out at the far end and walked towards me, flat footing it across the limestone in a way that had her breasts jiggling. The water was cascading off her hair onto her chest, her hard nipples making little waterfalls of drops that glittered in the setting sun. She stood there for a second and I realized I?d been staring. ?Do you have a towel??
I jumped up so quickly I upset the chair and nearly the table. She stood there and dried her hair first, one leg canted forward, her legs a little far apart. I could see her lips sticking out. I guess I?d expected them to be innies and I was surprised a little by the amount of meat hanging out. I know that?s a gross way to put it, but her clit was really huge and her lips were frilly around it. I went to the bar to pour myself a real drink and she shouted she?d like another too. I took a few minutes, but I managed to return just as she was drying her butt and her pussy. She caught my look.
?It?s pretty unusual isn?t it??
I coughed on my drink and stuttered. ?Ah, I .. don?t, ah??
She laughed, ?I used to be really sensitive about it, but then I realized, hey it?s the only one I?ve got.? She wiggled her clit. She folded the towel and slipped her dress on over her head.
?Now where were we before we engaged in the ?let?s stare at each other?s genitals game???
I laughed and she continued, ?See, that?s just the sort of thing we had to get out of the way. I want to feel relaxed around you, the way Jim does. Right now there?s this sexual tension and I know Jim doesn?t feel it, but I do. So let?s get over it, OK??
?I didn?t think we had any sexual tension.?
She stared at me without saying a word. ?OK, I wasn?t aware that you felt anything sexual from me and in any event you think it?s that simple??
?It has to be. I hope it is. I thought that seeing each other naked would you know, sort of de-sensitize us.?
I remembered that she was involved in scientific research with allergens. I had to laugh. ?You think attraction is like an allergy??
?Well it does seem silly when you put it like that, but yes? she paused, ?Maybe. I mean that?s how it works with couples. The first six months you can?t keep your hands off each other and then its three times a week and then twice a week.?
I said, ?But that?s because you are fucking. Just looking may not provide the same reflex.?
?Well there is that. But the fact is I want your relationship to continue as it was with Jim because you two give each other something. You balance each other. How bout making me some food to absorb this alcohol??
I threw on a couple of steaks and built a small salad to go with it. I put the steaks on a bed of pan-fried onions atop a piece of Texas toast.
?Is this a typical bachelor meal?? She asked ?No; it?d only be a bachelor meal if we ate it by the sink or in front of the TV.?
We sat at the small kitchen table over-looking the now lamp lit pool and yard. The misters had some on to humidify the plants, so the lights seemed to glow.
?You have a very nice life for yourself.? She said. ?I wish you?d have come camping with us. Jim told me how you used to fuck girls in front of each other.?
I nearly spat out my mouthful of wine. ?He told you that?? We talked about everything. It was like the best date I?d ever had without it being a date. I looked at her eyes once or twice; they were this incredible chestnut brown, but I didn?t get hard again. At the end I walked her home, the cicadas humming in the trees.
The next evening at almost exactly the same time, my doorbell rang again. This time I had the swimming trunks handy and I slipped them on before answering. Jim was at the door. I opened it wide, ?Hey amigo. I was just finishing my laps.?
He looked at me and laughed, ?You?re wearing trunks in case she came back??
?It was a risk. Man she has big pussy lips.?
He did a Humphrey Bogart, ?That?s my wife you?re talking about.?
With that we both cracked up, laughing so hard that we bent over double. We?d stop and then look at each other and start again. By the end my ribs were aching. We sat down on the patio and I broke out a couple of the Cubans that I?d smuggled in on my last trip south.
?Did you really get hard??
?She left a wet spot on the limestone when she hopped in the pool. And she has big pussy lips. Nice tits too.?
?Do you know I?ve never caught her when she hasn?t been wet? Sometimes I sneak up on her. I think she?s pre-occupied with sex.?
I looked at him, ?Dude is this relationship working??
?Yeah. But there are challenges. I didn?t know women took so much time. You know what?s funny??
I raised an eyebrow. ?I think she wants you to hang around more so you can pay attention to her too.?
I said, ?Maybe I should break down and get a girlfriend. Then she could have some company.?
?I asked her whether she thought she should find someone for you. She said she wouldn?t want the competition.?
?That?s a little sick you know.?
?She liked that she made you hard. I liked that you didn?t do anything about it. I guess its sort of difficult for you.?
?I can deal. Just don?t fuck her in front of me. That wouldn?t be right.?
?I still remember you beating off in front of Natalie while I was doing her. She loved it.?
?We were ten years younger and we were all drunk. Look we have to have some rules. I tried to get a date tonight just to get fucked but no takers so I?m going down to Treasures to get blown.?
?That place so skeezy.?
?Necessity is the mother of getting blown.?
We sat companionably and smoked. He left a little later and I got ready to go out. Just as I was walking out the door the phone rang. Jim said, ?I told her what you were planning on doing. Big mistake. She really wants to come watch.?
?Absolutely not. I am not having your wife watch while I get blown. I probably couldn?t even get hard. Now I don?t even feel like going. Tell her I?ve changed my mind.?
There was a pause, he?d evidently put his hand over the mouthpiece because all I could her was some mumbling. Then I heard Del?s voice, ?I know you?re going to go anyway. We?ll just sit there and watch some distance away. I?ve never been to a place like that. Please.?
I told her to put Jim back on the phone. ?OK but you?ve got to stay away while the deed is being done.?
A few minutes later their car was outside and fifteen after that we were in the club. It was pretty crowded, but we got a table near the stage. I was afraid the dancers would stay away because of Del, but she?d made an effort to look a little slutty and had unbuttoned an extra button on the shirt dress she was wearing. A few dancers came by and I had them dance for me and then Jim bought her a dance. The girl rubbed her knee on the inside of Del?s leg and touched her nipples to the corners of her mouth. I could see a flush start at the base of Del?s neck. Jim ordered a bottle of champagne, which seemed to act like a magnet. It took me an hour to find the girl I wanted and to determine that she was up for the game. I leaned over and told Jim that I was headed into the private area. Del seemed pre-occupied with the dancer sitting on her knee and I noticed that she had her hand resting pretty far up the pretty blonde?s leg, so I hoped she wouldn?t notice my absence.
I settled into my second floor sofa seat, and was watching my companion stroke my erection, deftly undoing my zipper. There were low walls that provided a little privacy though the couple opposite would get to see a certain amount. I felt my cock free and lips wrap around the head and I gasped as I felt a tongue circle its way down my shaft. Ah, this girl liked her work. I was lost to bliss for a few minutes but then I looked up to see that Jim and Del had settled on the sofa opposite, the blonde on her knees in front of them. The sensations were intensifying for me as my cock was worked in and out of my girl?s mouth. She?d adjusted my pants so her hand could slip in and cup my balls. The blonde girl opposite appeared to be blowing Jim but I saw that her hand was between Del?s legs and then she moved over and planted her mouth obviously on her pussy. Del?s moans were loud even with the music. The girl switched back to Jim and I felt cold air on my cock.
?You?ve lost focus. Am I not doing it correctly??
I looked down at my girl?s pretty face, my cock held like a lollipop in front of her mouth. She pretended my cock was a microphone. ?Julie to the cock in her hand. Time to perform..? She licked the end and I laughed and then she was sucking it, licking and nuzzling the sensitive underside. I looked up at Del who had spread her legs open towards me and who was fingering herself to orgasm while Jim was blowing in their girl?s mouth. I felt a surge and then I was cumming too.
Ten minutes later and we were back in Jim?s Mercedes.
?Wooo-ee that was wild.? Del was laughing in the front seat. ?The two of you came at the same time and so did I. Simultaneous orgasms.?
I saw Jim?s eyes in the rear view mirror. He winked at me. He said, ?Was she a good pussy eater??
?Umm so so; I think her heart wasn?t in it..? She turned around to look at me. ?Are you a good pussy eater??
I didn?t say anything, but Jim said, ?I saw him eat a girl?s pussy for an hour. She was multi-orgasmic and she just kept on cumming, so he didn?t stop. Finally she ran out of steam.?
Her eyes got very big. I knew that Jim didn?t really like eating pussy, but he could fuck for hours. I remember one girl complaining that he took too long to cum. I, on the other hand, loved to eat pussy but shot my load pretty quickly. I wished he hadn?t said that. They dropped me off at my house a few minutes later. As I leaned in to shake Jim?s hand Del said, ?Wait.? She wriggled out of her t-back and stuffed it in my pocket. ?So you?ll have some company tonight.?
I was a little buzzed so I spent twenty minutes in the pool hoping that I?d tire myself out sufficiently that an Ambien wouldn?t be required. I lay down to sleep but the panties were calling to me from the trash can where I?d thrown them. I fished them out and took a deep breath. They were soaked in the center and and I put my tongue on the panel, tasting her pussy. It was a very nice smell and it tasted good too. I wondered if I could develop a pussy vocabulary, ?A hint of fern, a tang of musk, with overtones of blackberry and a vanilla finish.? My cock got hard and I wrapped the panties around the head, feeling the cool dampness. The wet left a glisten on my cock head and it wasn?t long till I exploded all over them. I wrapped them up in the trash and went to bed.
I had to go out of town the next week so it was eight days before I saw Jim again. He?d called me and we met for lunch.
We caught up and talked about bullshit. As I was leaving he said, ?You want to come to dinner tonight??
?I have a date.?
?Bring her. It?ll show her another dimension to your personality.?
I wasn?t sure but I agreed. I?d known this girl for a couple of years and we got together for sex every few months, It was a pretty stable fuck relationship, but she was a lot of fun too.
Big mistake. Del cordially hated her and my date reciprocated. It was an uncomfortable dinner.
The next day Jim came over for a beer. ?Sorry. We had a massive fight. I told Del that if she ever behaved like that again you?d probably never bring another girl over. ? He looked down. ?She said, ?Good.? And then I told her she was being immature, that you had female relationships and that those relationships put out.? He looked up and I could see he was a little stressed. ?Wow was that a wrong thing to say. She asked if I thought we?d get along better if she fucked you. She said that if I wanted she would bring home another girl for me so we could all have sex together. I blew up.?
I didn?t know what to say. My girl had been so mad that I hadn?t gotten any, but she?d felt bad this morning and was coming over for sex this evening. ?Listen Jim, maybe counseling.?
He laughed. ?Fuck this is difficult. Why don?t you just try fucking her? Maybe you could just eat her.?
I told him that was a ridiculous suggestion and I had no intention of getting in the middle of his relationship. The next day he left for a surgical convention and when I got home there was a note through my door. ?I?m going to have fun at this convention. Please have Del over for a meal and EAT well.?
I thought about going to a hotel for the next few nights and when the doorbell rang a few minutes later I jumped, but it was only the postman. I managed to avoid any visitors for the next two nights and on the last night I went out for dinner and then stopped in at the titty bar. When I walked in there was a tall girl on stage that looked just like Del, but her face and hair were different. I found a girl and after an hour or so we made our way to the second floor. Just after we sat down the girl who?d been on stage led a guy to the couch opposite. I was busy relaxing into the sensations of another good blowjob when I looked up. The girl had this guy?s cock in her hand and she was staring at it about to put it in her mouth when she gave me a wink. I suddenly realized it was Del. I leaped up off the sofa. ?Del stop that right now.?
My girl ran off down the hall and I was busy tucking my dick away. Del was still holding onto the guy?s dick but I was looming over him shouting at Del and it wilted like a parched flower. The manager and a large guy I took to be a bouncer came up. I held up my hands. ?No big deal man, but this is my wife I caught working here.?
He looked at us both and said, ?Both of you downstairs and out of the club. Now.?
The bouncer was flexing his shoulders, fitting in a protective mouthpiece. I probably could have taken him, but what was the point. I waited in the lobby until Del arrived.
?Thanks a lot spoil sport.?
?You can?t do this to Jim.?
?Oh really. He stopped fucking me last week. And he?s taking a nurse to the conference.?
My car arrived. She went around to the passenger side. ?I took a taxi.?
I drove to her house. ?You can come in. Or we?re going to your house. That?s the way it is. If you leave me I?m going back there or some other place. I?m not a ?stay at home while you fuck the nurse kind of girl??
I drove to my house and let her in the front door. ?I?m not going to have sex with you.? I figured that I?d open strong.
?Well how about the Monica rule. Oral doesn?t count.?
?Let?s swim and then decide. We?ll do laps. If I beat you doing twenty then you get to choose anything but penetration. If I win I get to choose everything up to nothing.?
She laughed and stripped. Her nipples and my dick looked hard enough to hang the towels on. I willed it soft, figuring the extra drag could do me in. She led for the first fifteen laps, at one time as much as a lap, but then I relaxed, along with my dick and I surged ahead, beating her by half a lap. She was exhausted, but the sight of her chest heaving at the side of the pool almost did me in. We dried and she followed me to the bedroom. I had her lay down on the bed and opened my toy drawer under the bed. I snapped on ropes to the corner shackles and put her arms in restraints and then I clamped a restraining bar between her knees and elbows. I put a gag ball in her mouth and tied it to the back of her head and put a couple of nipple clamps on her nips, screwing them just tight enough to give a little sensation. Her legs were held open by the spreader bar, and I could really examine her pussy. Her lips were engorged and a thin thread of moisture was seeping down towards her anus. She was absolutely gorgeous. I got out the feather duster and stroked her entire body. My cock was hard as a rock and as I moved up towards her face pre-cum started to ooze out the opening. I saw her eyes following it and I stood up to let a drip fall on her cheek and then on the corner of her mouth. I went back down and this time took an ice cube and traced it over her body. She writhed at the cube?s touch. Next was the whip of braided leather and I lashed her body, briefly releasing her nipples from the clamps so that her entire breast could be lashed.
I saw saliva dripping out the ball gag so I removed it.
A stream of profanity came out of her mouth. ?Fuck me you cruel bastard. You haven?t done me yet because you?re a mean turd. If you put that cock in my mouth I?d bite it off you asshole. Let me go I want to go home.?
I forced the gag back in and took out a small egg shaped vibrator. I stuffed it deep inside her pussy and turned it on low. She started to buck and clench and then I got another one and used some of the clear liquid flowing form her pussy to coat her clit. It was standing up proud now, the hood fully retracted. I wondered how much bigger it got and I was tempted to suck on it but I?d made myself a promise. I used the vibrator to move it around and then I pulled out the gag.
?Oh god, yes, right there.?
I pulled the vibrator away and got another egg, reaching under her, stuffing it up her ass. I turned it on and sat on my haunches, watching her face, stroking my cock. She started fighting the restraints. ?Put it in my mouth. I want it so bad.?
I said, ?Close your mouth.? I walked up to the head of the bed and rubbed my cock all over her lips. I felt her tongue reach out to lick the underside and I pulled it away. ?I told you to close your mouth. Now you have to be punished.?
I flipped her over and hooked the knee and elbow restrainer together, so she was forced into a doggie position. I put the clamps back on her nipples and tightened them a notch. Her ass was high in the air, her asshole pink and open. I could see the slender wires from both eggs reaching inside her. I turned the controls onto high for a minute and then I pulled them out. I got the paddle out and tanned her ass until it was red and then I got the biggest dildo in my collection and I reamed her in both holes until she came. When she started cumming down I re-inserted both eggs and then I pinched her clit and used a vibrator to make her cum again. She?d cum at least six times by the time I decided on my own release. I flipped her onto her back and released the restraining bars, leaving her hands and feet loosely bound and then I stood over her and let jets of cum cover her belly, tits and face. She lay there passively as the hot streams whipped her and then I rubbed it in. Afterwards I cleaned her with warm washcloths. She didn?t say a word, but dressed quietly and asked me to walk her home.
?You won?t fuck me or eat me??
?Was that the first night you?d gone to the titty bar??
?I will both fuck you and eat you; but Jim has to be there and he has to be OK with it.?
Jim called me the next morning. ?Boy you put her through it. Thanks for getting her out of there. I guess we should have lunch.?
I invited him to join me at my house, since I was off for the day and I was only six minutes from the medical center.
?This is a different kind of marriage than the one I thought I was getting.? He looked a little tired.
?Did you really take a nurse with you.?
?Yeah. My principal surgical assistant. She?s sixty two and into women.?
?You told Del this?.?
He grinned, ?Well, no. I figured I?d let her stew. I should have known better.? He fiddled with the tie he was wearing. ?I really love her. I don?t know what?s gotten into her lately. She really wants us to do her together.?
?You?re sure you?re OK with that??
?Hey, I figure this is the cure either way. Maybe with the two of us she?ll feel as if she?s accomplished something. You and I have always managed to make things turn out for the best. I did some research. 80% of women have fantasies about being with multiple men at the same time. She says she doesn?t want to go through life thinking about things that she could have done. In a way she?s right. I know you and I always had a lot of fun watching each other do girls.?
?That?s the truth. Maybe she?s just an honest woman who wants to be self-actualized.?
?OK then, dinner at eight??
I arrived on time, shaved and groomed. Del was in a good mood and things didn?t seem sexual at all. When she talked about last night it was only to say that she?d never spent so much time anticipating an orgasm or being so mad when she was cumming.
After dinner we went into their yoga room; a place piled high with pillows that Del used for exercise. She brought us tiny cups of strong coffee and then she patted the floor beside her. I lay down, and she brought out an assortment of ropes, tying me up. I was still fully clothed so I didn?t care, but then she put on the restrainer bars and put the same type of ball gag in my mouth. She was talking to Jim non-stop acting as if I wasn?t there, and then she stripped him and spent a long time sucking his cock in front of me. The ice cube came out and the lashes. Finally she turned to me and produced a small knife. It was apparently razor sharp as she cut all my clothes off with little effort. She carved up my underwear and then she put the point of the knife at the base of my penis.
?You?re a mean boy and I don?t know whether I should cut this or fuck it.? I was straining now because she looked deadly serious. ?Hmmm. I think it?ll depend on how quickly you make me cum.? She pulled out the gag.
She sat on my face slowly and drips of her pussy juice were wetting my lips before she actually made contact, but then those warm frilly lips were on mine and I was parting them to feel and incredibly wet soft tunnel. She gasped as I bored my tongue in deep and then sucked her lips into my mouth. She tasted as good as her panties had last night and I lapped up her juices.
She said, ?Oh, I can feel that he likes licking pussy.? She moved herself backward, slipping her wet clit onto my nose and then into my mouth. It was firm and warm and incredibly sexy and when I sucked it I could feel her start to flex. ?God he?s going to make me cum so quick.? I started flicking it violently with my tongue and when she started her orgasm I pulled it into my mouth with my teeth, licking and sucking it, but when she was fully into her orgasm I wormed my way back so I could put my tongue into her hole, swirling it past that little roughened part just inside her opening. She went crazy. I stopped until she quieted and then I continued gently lapping her, kissing her thighs and her lips. She was really beautiful. ?Jim get behind me and put it in my pussy while he sucks my clit.?
She lifted up and I could see his cock moving towards her and then he slipped inside and she lowered herself to my mouth. Jim started the slow rhythmic pounding that he could keep up for an hour, while I sucked and played with her clit. It only took her ten minutes to cum again. She slid down my face and kissed me on the mouth. ?Umm I taste good.? She flipped around and kissed Jim; ?You made me cum so good. Now let me just.?
I gasped as she slid down on me and pulled my cock deep in her pussy. She raised herself up and sat on my cock, grinding her butt into my hips. I felt the pressure building, but then I felt her hands clamping around my balls and the pressure went away. ?Good boy. A little control.? She lay back, putting her hands by my side, impaled on my cock. ?Now Jim, put your cock in on top of his.? I felt him nuzzling up by her clit and then there was a feeling of fullness as he pressed inside. ?God you two are filling me up. Now fuck me. Oh yes, god, yes.?
I could feel Jim sliding up and down the length of my cock and I could also feel the tightness of her pussy. She raised herself a little and moved and now his cock head was forcing itself past mine. I could feel his helmet rubbing on mine. Del lifted one hand and I could feel her fingers around us both. ??I?m rubbing my clit, too.? Jim was moving faster now, grunting and I could feel his balls slapping on mine. A few minutes later and Del shouted, ?I can feel you?re going to cum Jim, oh yes fill me up with your cum. Coat his prick in your cum so I can suck it off. ?
He started cumming and the sensation set me off too and we were both frantically pumping into her stretched hole, while she was shouting ?Oh, I?m there again, oh yes.?
Del waited motionless until we started to shrink inside her before climbing away.
She stood up and stretched her arms over her head. ?This was a very good idea. I like having the two of you serve me.? She reached down and patted my cheek. ?I?ve just about forgiven you for making me wait so long.?