FORUMS › General Discussions › Women Talk › Getting it up, keeping it up, getting it off
TOPIC: Getting it up, keeping it up, getting it off
Created by: hotbifullswap
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Question for all of you:

I don't mean to be crude, but ever feel like sex revolves around the almighty dick? I was thinking about what I like about girl/girl play the other day and I realized that one aspect I enjoy is the "vacation" from getting "it" up, keeping "it" hard and getting "it" off. "It" of course, refers to a cock.

Please don't get me wrong. I love my man, his dick and every minute of the sex we have together. But I just had to laugh about what is so liberating about an FF encounter.

Can anypne relate???


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TOPIC: Getting it up, keeping it up, getting it off
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